
Greetings loyal readers!

This is your go-to spot to for everything to do with the author, reader, gamer, and artist – Crystin Goodwin. That is, me!

Firstly, my little blog just passed its second anniversary … hooray! Many thanks go out to everyone who has stuck with me while I worked out the kinks in my blogging habits.

I’ve gone through multiple ideas for posts and posting schedules these last two years. Currently, I’m aiming for one post a week, with at least one book review a month … but please don’t be alarmed if I go a week or two without a peep. I tend to get wrapped up in my own little world at times, and I forget that I even have a blog. As for topics, most posts will be related to writing or reading, with the occasional random tidbit thrown in about my other hobbies.

In addition to posts, I have current and previous reading lists that might allow you to get a better feel for the type of books I enjoy reading. I’m hoping to branch out in my genres a little this year, so recommendations are always welcome. In fact, feel free to fill out a contact form – also included at the top of the page – if you have a book you’d like me to read and/or review!

Fans should also sign up for my author newsletter for sneak peeks at upcoming releases, newsletter-only offers, and bonus material. Just wait for the pop-up, or visit my Facebook page for more info.

Finally, I plan to cycle through my amazing graphics and backgrounds provided by the talented Winter Bayne to keep the website interesting, so don’t be surprised if it looks a little different each time you log in. After all, I can’t let my pretty pictures go to waste, can I? 🙂

Thanks again for your patience and support as I learn how to use this crazy tool properly!


5 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. Congratulations on having a reading list. Never could get around to do one. I just have a bunch of shelves with books I haven’t read yet! (And of course, the one you absolutely want to read ain’t there!)
    Take care

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